Monday, July 1, 2019

Man Crushed by Giant Safe

A man was crushed and killed by a giant safe on Sunday while attempting to move the 600-plus pound equipment in Lower Manhattan, sources said.

The unidentified man and two friends were trying to get the large safe down a flight of stairs at 76 Mott Street at around 4:30 p.m. when they lost control, according to law enforcement sources.

The safe, which weighs between 600 and 800 pounds, slid down the stairs and pinned the man against the wall of the stairwell.

“It was heavy – too heavy,” said a woman at the building on Sunday evening.

“Man was moving it from fourth floor and it come down on him.”

The male was declared dead at the scene, cops said.

Two of the man’s friends were helping him move the safe when it slid and crushed him, sources said.

One of the friends was also injured and taken to Bellevue Medical Center in serious condition.
